The Gary Dell Abate house photos were discussed at length today on Howard Stern. The crew teased Dell Abate for allowing Sound and Vision Magazine to take photos of his house. Gary Del Abate built a new house in Connecticut's Fairfield county last year. The Sound and Vision article discusses Gary's collection of antique radios (a collection Howard calls trite.)
The weird thing about this story... the Sound and Visionarticle and photos were published nearly a year ago, but all of a sudden, lots of people are searching for and discussing the photos of Gary's home.
Gary Dell Abate, aka Baba Booey, is the executive producer of The Howard Stern show heard on Sirius satellite radio. He's been with the Stern show since September 4, 1984.
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More and more pictures can be seen at Link
More and more pictures can be seen at Link
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